Summer time for the Smith family is all about birthdays! Seriously, at least one a week. So it may be late, but here is a special shout-out to my 2 sisters with summer birthdays:
First, EmmaLee

Thanks for:
-teaching me how to dance
-adding a slew of 80s prom dresses to the costume bucket
-changing my diaper (i'll give you the benefit of the doubt)
-teaching me to change your kids diapers
-giving me advice on being a grown up/boys/whatever
-being helpful whenever you're needed
Now, Bethany

I appreciate YOU for:
-spinning me around singing "Jimmy Oh Jimmy" from Saturdays warriors
-waking me up in the middle of the night to tell me the house is on fire or that its christmas
-telling me when it was time to start wearing a bra
-sending me a letter from Hogwarts on my 11th birthday (complete with scattered bird feathers) -telling me I was adopted, that there were secret passages in the house, etc.
-keeping in touch
-being excited about my wedding before I was even close to being engaged/helping with all the plans, the dress, bachelorette party. etc
-spooning me in EVERY family picture

These are just a few of the MANY reasons why I like you two. O.k. fine, I even love you! Happy Birthday(S)!!!