Thursday, June 25, 2009

Total Eclipse

why do i think this is so funny??

maybe its because I grew up to bethany singing me this song/making me tape music videos of her singing it. Whatever the reason..i like it. watch it!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Great News!

The 5-year-old version of Dwight Shrute is in one of my swim classes!

Not only does he look exactly like Dwight, he knows everything about all sorts of creatures. I am so happy!

Unfortunately, I don't think i'm allowed to take pictures of the kids, so this will have to suffice..use your imagination.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

how i spend my time

I was in Hobby Lobby when I recognized the tune of "As Zions Youth in Latter Days" playing throughout the store, followed by various fancy instrumental arrangments of LDS hymns.. interesting. It actually made walking down endless isles of beads and paint kinda peacful.

On a less happy note, I really dislike sunburns, night lessons, and the smell of chlorine... oh and when kids clubs come to the pool (4598 kids with 4 adults)
I do, however, love my tadpoles!

tadpole-swimming class of children 2-3 years of age
aka- kids who swim better than they can talk

jacob's coming tomorrow!!!!