Saturday, February 28, 2009

in response to the sister's post

Dear Brathany (and whomever else it may concern),
Before you make a decision on your hair, perhaps you would find it beneficial to check out the following website which Amy once taught me about:
Not only will it help you choose an approporiate hairstyle, it will provide entertainment for the next 30-45 min. of your life. Here are a few of my results.


s.s. bazodi said...

go red you look hawt

Rhonda said...

you look like a baywatch babe in that second one. SUPER FINNNNNE!

beth is right though, the red is gorgeous too!

Shums said...

im not joking, i have the exact cut/color as your last picture. how odd.

Em said...

you should go red, then you can be the girl on "Enchanted"