But I do like to steal her clothes when she's not looking.
My sister also lives with us, but she doesn't like to be seen in public with us, because we're freshmen.
This is our kitchen. Devaun cleans it when she's bored (which is almost always!)
This is our most valuable possesion!! we all chipped in and bought this baby. Then we counted down the hours 'til the girl brought it to us. That's not even a lie. (we were realllllly bored). It's saved our lives and allowed us to watch The Sound of Music 1 and a half times.

And this is our bathroom. I'm sure the long countertop and big mirrors will come in handy while all SIX of us try to get ready in the morning.
So that's our FaBuLOuS apartment. It's actually a lot better than when we first moved in. After scrubbing every square inch down (well that was mostly devaun's doing...) and putting air fresheners in every room, it's really growing on me. I'm also really enjoying living with devaun and kami (our other 3 roomates always seem to be out...can't imagine why?). I swear we don't lay arounn ALL day. We sometimes go on bike rides or workout or walk to campus... honest.

sam and i have a total of 6 TV's between the two of us. 5 of them are gathering dust in our storage unit. you should have borrowed one, silly.
I wrote a whole comment and it erased it@! Thanks to devaun for getting you out of the squaler! It looks MUCH better than the last time I saw it. Love, Mommy
Hey lil' sis! I'm glad you have a blog! I'm soooo jel that you are at BYU! I had the best time there! I'm also glad the cork board is on your wall so you won't forget me!
Cool! Glad I found your blog. I have no idea how 6 young ladies share an apartment-Good luck with that.
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